isaiah 53:10 septuagint

Isaiah 53:11 Or (with Masoretic Text) 11 He will see the fruit of his suffering / and will be satisfied; Isaiah 53:11 Or by knowledge of him; Isaiah 53:12 Or many; Isaiah 53:12 Or numerous But the fact that it isn't the beauty of His form that is attractive or draws us to Him means that each of us can identify with Him, because it is that spiritual beauty and the love that just draws us so much that we care not what the form may look like. But then it follows, if we are thus of a seed, that we ought to be united, and love each other more and more. 3. because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. But a little further, Christ's coming into the world to die was the effect of the Father's will and pleasure. Yet future, still bearing them; the marks of His love for you. Do you ask for a proof of this? Do not let your faith be a sort of dead faith dealing with a dead man; let it be instinct with life, with warm blood in its veins. 10: et Dominus voluit conterere eum in infirmitate si posuerit pro peccato animam suam videbit semen longevum et voluntas Domini in manu eius dirigetur. The most scrupulous care was taken that it should be altogether without blemish; for this idea was always connected with a sin-offering, that it must be sinless in itself; and being without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, it was held to be a competent victim to take the offender's place. Look at him, and mark if he be not man in soul as well as in body. Christ having died for us, we came into another relation to justice, and it became possible for us to be regenerated, and brought into the household of God. But, sirs, I need not stop to prove it; it is written clearly upon the consciousness of each man, and upon the conscience of every one of us, that sin must be punished. None can be written in the roll of followers of Christ unless they are also written in the register of the family of God "this and that man was born there." See how the cruel iron drags through his tender hands! Piaculum committere means literally to commit a sacrifice, that is, to commit a crime for which a sacrifice is required. Ed. The eye of Christ is never off from the eye of faith. Thus, in conformity to Christ, it should be a satisfaction to us if we can do any thing to serve the interests of God's kingdom in the world. The salvation of souls is a great satisfaction to the Lord Jesus. "When we shall see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him.". O you that are the seed of Christ, go out and magnify him by your lives! Behold, My Servant shall deal prudently; He shall be exalted and extolled and be very high. He that wings an angel and guides a sparrow, he that protects the hairs of our head from falling prematurely to the ground, was not likely, when he took notice of such little things, to omit in his solemn decrees the greatest wonder of earth's miracles, the death of Christ. I will here quote the testimony of that pre-eminently profound divine, Dr. John Owen: "Redemption is the freeing of a man from misery by the intervention of a ransom. But if I am told that I am only sent there as a part of a scheme of moral government, and that I am sent into torment to impress others with a sense of right, I ask that some one else should have the place of preacher to the people, and that I may be one of those whose felicity it shall be to be preached to; for I see no reason in justice why I should be selected as the victim. Because he willingly took the place of sinners and prayed for their forgiveness, he is now exalted to the highest place (12). "He shall see his seed." For you remember Thomas said, "Except I can put my fingers into His hand and thrust my hand into His side, I won't believe" ( John 20:25 ). "He is my righteous servant, and as such justifies men." Psalms 127:3-5; Psalms 128:6; Proverbs 17:6), as was living a long life (cf. Such is Jesus Christ. a "Ubi posuit satisfactionis pretium anima ejus", Cocceius; "si posuerit delictum sua anima", Montanus. We have no weapon against this monster, with the double tower on its back, but the gospel of the grace of God. Oh! The father takes his son, binds his hands behind his back, piles up the stones, makes an altar, lays the wood, and has his fire ready. And if now you can say. And now I am to wind up with this third thought: THIS POSTERITY IS ALWAYS UNDER THE IMMEDIATE EYE OF CHRIST. Do thy sins touch the clouds? Thus they have rejected him in his essential character, and there has been no effect produced upon their conduct by their cold admiration of his life. That he shall himself have abundant satisfaction in it (Isaiah 53:11; Isaiah 53:11): He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied. he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth ( Isaiah 53:7 ). 3 He was despised and was avoided by men, +. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? Brethren, our Savior will always behold his redeemed ones. 1. I wish that every house had in it a large-typed copy of the "Book of Martyrs." He waited his forty days, and then, with shouts of sacred song, he "led captivity captive, and ascended up on high." This mentioned again (Isaiah 53:12; Isaiah 53:12): He bore the sin of many, who, if they had borne it themselves, would have been sunk by it to the lowest hell. [3.] Sinner, God will never destroy you merely to maintain his government, or for the good of others. Though he should die, yet he would live again, and his days should be lengthened out. The Fourth Servant Song Septuagint: Journal 2.53 discusses the Septuagint report of Isaiah 53:10-12.. That is, really an attractive, desirable or attracting feature. Yes, he would if some greater good would be served (cf. If I should pay a thousand pounds for a man's deliverance from bondage to him that retains him, who hath power to set him free, and is contented with the price I give, were it not injurious to me and the poor prisoner that his deliverance be not accomplished? You need not do anything to make the atonement of Christ sufficient to pardon you. We dare not impute to God the sin, but at the same time the fact, with all its marvelous effects in the world's redemption, we must ever trace to the Sacred Fountain of divine love. compelled him to it. Thus Isaiah declares that in the head and the members there shall be immortal life. Isaiah 53:8). 4 Truly he himself carried our sicknesses, +. ralink rt5370 driver windows 10. car game download mp3; revit big windows; when was the first digital computer invented who invented it; dead by daylight corrupt disk. He has set upon the strong man armed, dispossessed him, and divided the spoil. Go to your own Christ, your living Christ; make him your familiar Friend, the Acquaintance of your solitude, the Companion of your pilgrimage. The pronoun "he" as well as the "we" and "our" and "thou" have all . Given the explicit mention of death in Isaiah 53:9 and the fact that his life is a sacrificial offering in Isaiah 53:10, we are not speaking here of a metaphorical . Men die and leave their children, and they see not their seed; Christ lives, and every day sees his seed brought into the unity of the faith. If Christ had been at all under the law naturally, if it had been his duty to do what it is our duty to do, it is plain he could only have lived for himself; and if he had any sin of his own, he could only have died for himself, seeing his obligations to do and to suffer would have been his just due to the righteousness and the vengeance of God. Hence it follows that nowhere but in Christ is found expiation and satisfaction for sin. It is his death that does it. Isaiah 53:10 Hebrew though you make; Isaiah 53:11 Dead Sea Scrolls (see also Septuagint); Masoretic Text does not have the light of life. I'm in love with Paul. Read online Bible study, search parallel bibles, cross reference verses, compare translations & post comments in bible commentaries at Dear friends, all the Lord's seed will be there all that were born into his house with a new birth. "God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." His side was pierced; he was given up by the Roman authorities for burial; the imperial authorities were sure of his death. "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand." And, to complete the sin-offering, the priest draws his knife and kills the victim which must be utterly consumed with fire. 11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. It may be that you are sick: even now your head is aching, your heart is faint; you feel that by-and-by you will die. He shall prolong his days - His life shall be long. [2.] God forsook His Son when your sin was placed upon Him. That was the purpose of God when He created man-that God might be able to fellowship with man. He determined that Christ should be born of the Virgin Mary, that he should suffer under Pontius Pilate, that he should descend into Hades, that thence he should rise again, leading captivity captive, and then should reign for ever at the right hand of the Majesty on high. 7 He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open . b "videbit semen quod prolongabit dies", Cocceius; "videbit semen longaevum", V. L. 10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. In what sense could it be said of Ignatius or Cranmer that their souls or lives were made an offering ( 'asham or hilasmos) for sin? Isaiah 55. Understand, then, the sense in which Christ was made a sacrifice for sin. Ah! We do not read here that the Lord Christ has followers. And so that we might see the relationship with 53, we will begin our study of chapter 53 with verse Isaiah 52:13 of 52. We have seen how fit and proper a person he was to be such. It pleased the Lord to do this. Let every sinner here who desires something stable to fix his faith upon, listen to these simple truths, which I am trying to put as plainly as possible. He looks beyond the Roman spear and nail, beyond the Jewish taunt and jeer, up to the Sacred Fount, whence all things flow, and traces the crucifixion of Christ to the breast of Deity. So we are the ones responsible for the suffering and the death of Jesus Christ, because He suffered and died for me that He might bring me the forgiveness of my sins. But, "He opened not His mouth.". 8In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: who shall declare his generation? I know you're troubled, Pilate." He shall see it when it is accomplished in the conversion and salvation of poor sinners. Now, I am going to be as plain as I can, while I preach over again the precious doctrine of the atonement of Christ Jesus our Lord. Jesus Christ hath ascended up on high, and exalted he is that he may give repentance and remission of sin. To this clause some supply the relative (asher,) which: A seed which shall be long lived. But I expound it in a more simple manner, Christ shall not be hindered by his death from prolonging his days, that is, from living eternally. Some persons, when departing from life, leave children, but children who shall survive them, and who shall live so as to obtain a name only when their fathers are dead. They will be struck dumb, as it were, as they witness a sight more glorious than they or anyone else could ever have imagined (13-15).Many people find it hard to believe that God will give his servant such power and magnificence, because when they look at the servant they see just an ordinary person of insignificant beginnings. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by the knowledge of himself shall my righteous servant justify many; and he shall bear their iniquities. Many shall be wrought upon by the grace of God to give up themselves to him to be ruled, and taught, and saved by him, and hereby he shall reckon himself honoured, and enriched, and abundantly recompensed for all he did and all he suffered. Do not think that I am too familiar. Is this the experience of our life in Christ? So sad is his heart, that he faints in the streets. This illustrates more fully what I formerly stated in few words, that the Prophet, in asserting Christs innocence, aims at something more than to defend him from all reproach. 40-66, p. He shall prolong his days. He overlooks both Pilate and Herod, and traces it to the heavenly Father, the first Person in the Divine Trinity. The cross once seen, sin is crucified: the passion of the Master once apprehended as being endured for us, we then feel that we are not our own, but are bought with a price. We are of his seed, and so we are near akin to him. Yes, and ever afterward, wherever his seed may wander, he still sees them. That hour of mid-day darkness was the rising of a new sun of righteousness, which shall never cease to shine upon the earth. Even if they go to bed in the dark, they fall asleep the sooner; but in either case, their Lord will see them if they cannot see him. When you live with the living Christ, you will live indeed. Thus have I expounded the first part of the subject the origin of our Saviour's worst sufferings, the Father's pleasure. I pray that it may be so. my brethren, I want to take you from this scene to a far greater one. Why, the parable does not tell us; for it did not run on with the subject to introduce the atonement. In his whole life he was numbered among the transgressors; for he was called and accounted a sabbath-breaker, a drunkard, and a friend to publicans and sinners. Are you a sinner? He is himself perfectly free, and therefore can he undertake for others. TO MY READERS AND FRIENDS, If you accept the great truths set forth in this Manifesto, please circulate it widely. At the outset, one should know that the relation of the Hebrew text of Isaiah (as we know it in modern editions) to the Septuagint version is . id est, Piacula commissa propter quae expiatio debetur. Serv. The Lord enable you to believe in Jesus now, to take him now as a complete and finished salvation for you, though you may be the most sunken and abandoned and hopeless of all characters. Here is heroism indeed; but God spared not his own Son, his only-begotten Son, but freely delivered him up for us all. Your league with hell is broken to-night, and your covenant with death is disannulled. Conscious of guilt, and anxious for pardon, therefore he brought a sacrifice, the blood of which should be poured out at the foot of the altar feeling persuaded that without sacrifice there was no satisfaction, and without satisfaction there was no pardon. Thus he shall bear the iniquities of the many that he designed to justify (Isaiah 53:11; Isaiah 53:11), shall take away the sin of the world by taking it upon himself, John 1:29. If he had not completed his work of penalty-suffering, he would have been left in the tomb till now; our preaching would have been in vain, and your faith would have been in vain; ye would have been yet in your sins. The word here is the infinitive of Piel. and he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors ( Isaiah 53:11 ). If you use the word claim at all, let it always be in so humble and modified a sense that you understand that you are still receiving, not of debt, but of grace. What can you do? But this is the thing of marvel, for which heaven and earth shall ring with the praises of the Mediator, that Jesus Christ died for the ungodly, that Jesus Christ gave himself for their sin; not for their righteousness, not for their good deeds. The beauty of it is, that this look of Christ, whereby he sees his seed, is one of intense delight. So may it be in your heart towards all those that belong to Christ! Take it as it is. With them length of days and a numerous posterity were regarded as the highest favors, and usually as the clearest proofs of the divine love. This perception of redeeming love, in the death of our Lord Jesus, makes all the difference: this prepares us for a higher and a better life than we have ever known before. Oh, how blessedly bright is he! The gallant vessel of the church ploughed the red waves of a crimson sea, her prow scarlet with gore, but the ship itself was the better for its washing, and sailed all the more gallantly because of boisterous winds. II. Your sins have nailed Christ's hands to the cross, your sins have pierced his heart; and his heart is not pierced in vain, nor are those hands nailed there for naught. By now, it should be clear that this chart is basically useless. no; it is an awful wail of woe that can never be imitated. But Jesus rose. It is a sharp sword with two edges, if it be preached as it was delivered at the first. We must know him, and believe in him, as one that bore our iniquities--saved us from sinking under the load by taking it upon himself. "We love him because he first loved us." Sin must be punished. If there be a universal redemption of all, then all men are redeemed. It is often rendered trespass-offering Leviticus 5:19; Leviticus 7:5; Leviticus 14:21; Leviticus 19:21; 1 Samuel 6:3, 1 Samuel 6:8, 1 Samuel 6:17). But this explains it, when God accepts a sinner, he is, in fact, only accepting Christ. You may put away your crowns, ye kings and emperors earth, yellow earth, hammered, and decorated, with other sparkling bits of soil you may put them all away, as altogether outdone in value! Cannot thy conscience rest on that? Show the nobility of your pedigree by the magnanimity of your lives. There are some who say that there is no reason in sin itself why it should be punished, but that God punishes offenses for the sake of society at large. Now Isaiah begins to prophesy here concerning God's servant that was to come. That seems to me to be clear from the indefiniteness of the text. Ye are complete in Christ. According to the will of God because God loved us. Surely He hath borne our griefs, carried our sorrows. He shall justify not here and there one that is eminent and remarkable, but those of the many, the despised multitude. The King is not off the ground yet: the battle will be won by his armies. Crying out the twenty-second psalm, and in the verse Isaiah 53:3 the answer is given, "For Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Thy people." I mean, just a dull evening. Isaiah 9:10 Context. 100% Safe Payment. (Exodus 29:15) And if a private individual offered a sacrifice, he also laid his hand upon it, as if he threw upon it his own sin. But I will say no more about it. You are ignorant and unlettered, it may be, and your name will never shine in the roll of science, but he who is the divine Wisdom owns you as one of his seed. 9And I will give the wicked for his burial, and the rich for his death; for he practised no iniquity, nor craft with his mouth. There is a stern compression of his face, as if unutterable agony were tearing his heart as if over again Gethsemane were being acted on the cross as if his soul were still saying, "If it be possible let this cross pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt." Although he did not give Christ to drink the actual hells of believers, yet he gave him a quid pro quo something that was equivalent thereunto. Yet come, and welcome; for God has provided a sin-offering. Christ will always have a seed to see. If I owe a man twenty pounds, it is no matter to him whatever who shall pay the twenty pounds so long as it is duly paid. So it seems this "version" of Isaiah 53:10 was generally well known and accepted. I judge it to be the worst cankerworm that assails us. To it, the eyes of all the saints who lived before the Christian era were always directed; and backwards, through the thousand years of history, the eyes of all modern saints are looking. He sings, and when his nether parts are burned, he still goes on chanting sweetly some psalm of old. A difference may be made in the penalty, when there is a difference in the person; but if the person be the same, the penalty must be precisely and exactly the same in degree and in quality. 'If he shall lay down his life for sin.' The Septuagint renders it in the plural, 'If you shall . In the context, the gospel writer said, "This said He signifying the manner of death that He was going to die" ( John 12:33 ). Certainly it is so. He died to purchase and purify them to himself, fell to the ground as a corn of wheat, that he might bring forth much fruit,John 12:24. Really, when men run away from the simplicities of the gospel in order to make Jehovah more kind, it is strange how unjust and unkind they make him. Complete it is, dear brethren, not only in itself, but, as I said, in its effects; that is to say, that there is now complete pardon for every soul which believeth in Christ. The Hebrew will bear either. The third morning came, and the conqueror, rising from his sleep burst the iron bonds of death, and came forth from his prison house, no more to die. He who reads Christ's life, as a mere history, traces the death of Christ to the enmity of the Jews, and to the fickle character of the Roman governor. When you die you will die for yourselves; when Christ died, he died for you, if you be a believer in him. There are many whom Christ justifies, not all (multitudes perish in their sins), yet many, even as many as he gave his life a ransom for, as many as the Lord our God shall call. And are we ever in our right senses, brethren, till the Holy Spirit really brings us into them? And it describes him as a skinny little runt about five feet tall with a horribly large hooked nose and eyes that were red, swollen and constantly running, and it gave this horrible And I was upset because that's not how I pictured Paul at all. See! If he can see the guy coming, you just sort of, you reflex action to it and you sort of go with it. The point is moot, however, because both Yahweh and the Servant made the Servant an offering for sin. Christ conquered for us, and through him we are more than conquerors. Why doth the Saviour suffer so? Paul said, "For a righteous man some might dare to die: for a good man peradventure some would even give their lives. But now the joyous truths come up that Christ's work is finished. We are towards Christ, his seed, and thus we are heirs to all that he has heirs to his business on earth, heirs to his estate in heaven. God is willing to wait. There's no depth of character. Yes, my brethren, he took the cup, and. We will consider the Story of the Cross. The prophet Isaiah prophesied in the Eighth Century B.C. So the Targum, paraphrasing the words of Christ and his seed, "they shall see the kingdom of their Messiah; they shall multiply sons and daughters; they shall prolong their days:''. Look ye there, and see the place where his only Son hung dead upon the cross, the bleeding victim of awakened justice! He is lifted up in the air, and there he hangs preparatory to his death. That which he purchased for us by his death, he lives to secure for us by his life. Well, first of all, THE DEATH OF CHRIST AS PRODUCED A POSTERITY. Montan. The stamp of the first Adam is not altogether removed; but it ought to grow fainter and fainter, while the lines of the divine portrait should grow stronger and clearer. But few people realize the full significance of Isaiah 53 in relation to the identity of the Messiah. Brethren, pray for me, and all who are faithful to the truth of God, that we may be upheld in our steadfastness. Truly it has satisfied God: is there not enough there to satisfy thee? Picture another scene. I do not mean anything of the kind. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, "He was numbered with the transgressors and made intercession for the transgressors", Piacula commissa propter quae expiatio debetur. Great satisfaction to the Lord Jesus he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in mouth. All that were born into his house with a new birth accepts a sinner, will! As was living a long life ( cf, while we were yet sinners Christ! Won by his death, he still sees them that were born into his house with a new of. Took the cup, and made intercession for the good of others 128:6 ; Proverbs ). Iron drags through his tender hands judgment: and who shall declare his generation the nobility of pedigree. 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isaiah 53:10 septuagint