1 peter 3:19 greek

died, their separate souls were put into prison, and there they She that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; and Marcus my son. And it really ministered to me how that a soft answer turns away wrath. Nothing is said of preaching in prison, but to the imprisoned spirits not when they were there. He said, Boy, you really handled that well, you know. God may have judged them in this world, but this is not all. (iv) Fourth, Peter sets compassion. That would be the best sermon she could preach to win her husband for Christ. For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. There is no difficulty that I see about it. Their story is told in Genesis 6:1-8. They observe, and then, he said, they have to see a miracle and answer to prayer. One group of interpreters believes Jesus went to the realm of the dead and preached to Noahs contemporaries between His crucifixion and His resurrection. Amen. Isaiah had called Sara the mother of God's faithful people ( Isaiah 51:2); and if Christian wives are adorned with the same graces of modesty, humility and chastity, they too will be her daughters and will be within the family of the faithful people of God. But none of these wonders of grace could have been, unless by redemption we receive the end of our faith meanwhile, namely, soul-salvation. It is a mistake to construe it of one that knows not what took place in the lower parts of the earth. But we did not finish that quotation and we do so now: "If you were to catch your wife in an act of infidelity, you can kill her with impunity without a trial; but, if she were to catch you, she would not venture to touch you with her finger and, indeed, she has no right." I, indeed, allow that Christ by means of his apostles went by his Spirit to those who were kept as it were in prison; but this exposition appears incorrect on several accounts: First, Peter says that Christ went to spirits, by which he means souls separated from their bodies, for living men are never called spirits; and secondly, what Peter repeats in the fourth chapter on the same subject, does not admit of such an allegory. Two characters of priesthood are here shown us. This is not the. It symbolizes that which has already transpired in my heart. By which Spirit, his own Divine energy and authority. At the time of this epistle, it was in due order. 15 ! It only makes confusion in jumbling up law and gospel, to the detriment of both, and indeed to the destruction of all the beauty and force of truth. How is it that He has been pleased thus to call us? 19By which also Peter added this, that we might know that the vivifying power of the Spirit of which he spoke, was not only put forth as to Christ himself, but is also poured forth with regard to us, as Paul shews in Romans 5:5. It is not a description of all that died in unbelief, but of a generation favoured with a special testimony and smitten by a particular stroke of judgment. It is God's instruction: "You shall bring Aaron and his sons to the door of the tent of meeting" ( Exodus 29:4). Christians must maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, remembering that there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all ( Ephesians 4:3-6). The hearers. The answer is this: "Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ." So when He died, He descended into hell. But there is that which never fails, "the power of God through faith," by which the believer is kept to the end. They were the worst of all sinners and yet they were given another chance of repentance; therefore, the worst of men still have a chance in Christ. Into the Court of the Priests, into the nearer presence of God, he could not go; and of the priests, only the High Priest could enter into the Holy of Holies. (2) If the meaning be that he went and preached after his death, it seems difficult to know why the reference is to those only who had been disobedient in the days of Noah. Why were they alone selected for this message? As Christians, we are under a far more searching principle, namely, the grace of God (Romans 6:1-23), which assuredly ought to produce far better and more fruitful results. If they are fallen angels, Peter may have meant that after Jesus Christ arose He announced to them that their doom was now sure. As Edwin H. Robertson put it: "Only forgiveness without reason can match sin without excuse." On the other hand, if he gives to Jesus Christ the unique place in his life, the most precious thing for him is his relationship to God and nothing can take that from him. Amplified: If you are censured and suffer abuse [because you bear] the name of Christ, blessed [are youhappy, fortunate, to be envied, with life-joy, and satisfaction in God's favor and salvation, regardless of your outward condition], because the Spirit of glory, the Spirit of God, is resting upon you. The Romanists say that it was while in prison; that Christ, after he was put to death in the body, was still kept alive in his spirit, and went and proclaimed his gospel to those who were in prison. It is tragic to realize how far men are from realizing this unity in their personal lives and how far the Church is from realizing it within herself. Moreover, the strange notion of those who think that unbelievers as to the coming of Christ, were after his death freed from their sin, needs no long refutation; for it is an indubitable doctrine of Scripture, that we obtain not salvation in Christ except by faith; then there is no hope left for those who continue to death unbelieving. Now, there are some women who are outstanding artists, and they can paint a beautiful face. Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear. 1 PETER 3:19 evn w|- kai, Several scholars have advocated the conjectural emendation that introduces the subject "Enoch" (enwkaienw,). Some interpreters believe that the incident involving the sons of God and the daughters of men (Genesis 6:1-4) is what Peter had in view here. You are the strong one, give her that strength. . And Matthew's gospel chapter twenty-seven tells us that the graves of many of the saints were open and they were seen walking in the streets of Jerusalem after His resurrection from the dead. be tedious to reckon up the several different senses of this Christianity is come to us now; but when really known, it is not at all a mere question of prophetic testimony, even though this be of God, but there is the preaching of the gospel by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. The elders are told to feed or shepherd the flock of God which was among them, exercising the oversight, not by necessity, but willingly; not for base gain, but readily, etc. Our faith must be a first-hand discovery and not a second-hand story. sometimes signify a watch, yet more commonly a prison, and which In Greek civilization the duty of the woman was "to remain indoors and to be obedient to her husband." Browne, Articles, p. 95) as merely "a place of safe keeping," where good spirits might be as well as bad, though etymologically this is imaginable. In the thrilling early days of the Church this prayer was fulfilled, for they were all of one heart and of soul ( Acts 4:32). He went to preach to "the spirits in prison." The precious blood of Christ is another thing altogether; and there alone is efficacy found before God; so also His incorruptible seed revealing Himself is planted in the heart of the saint. He was opposed, reviled, disbelieved, and, we may suppose, persecuted. God puts us to the proof; and, undoubtedly, if there be unbelief working, we must eat the bitter fruit of our own ways. But in this case they omitted. It is another character and measure of responsibility. And then the Lord said to the wives, "Submit yourself unto your own husbands" ( Ephesians 5:22 ). This gives room for all the practical working of Christianity. righteousness, and preached both by words and deeds, by the Quintilian, the Roman master of oratory, wrote: "A tasteful and magnificent dress, as the Greek poet tells us, lends added dignity to the wearer: but effeminate and luxurious apparel fails to adorn the body, and only reveals the sordidness of the mind." To my mind, nothing is more wonderful in our blessed Lord here below than this devotedness to His Father, not merely now and again, but as the one motive that animated Him from the beginning to the end of His course here below. (b) If we look at Moffatt's translation, we find something quite different. It is, therefore, worthwhile for us to take pains to make them understand that they are honoured for nothing else but only for appearing modest and self-respecting." It so happens that in the Greek version of the Old Testament the regular phrase for a sin-offering is peri ( G4012) hamartias ( G266) (Hamartias, G266, is the singular of hamartion, G266) , as, for instance, in Leviticus 5:7 and Leviticus 6:30. We can all understand this: holiness, when one has to do with God; royalty, before the world when the temptation is to forget our heavenly honour. ( Song of Solomon 1:1-3; Ephesians 5:22-33) 1 3668 [e] 1 Homois. prison of hell, so the Syriac version renders it, (lwyvb) , "in hell", see ( Revelation Here it is not merely believing in the Messiah, but believing in "God that raised him up from the dead.". But it may be inquired, Why he puts in prison the souls of the godly after having quitted their bodies? It is no longer relationship with and recognition of a God that rules and governs. The earth will be sown with the seed of God when the Jewish nation, as such, obtains mercy. "Be ready to give to every man an answer for that hope that you have.". He brought good tidings, therefore, of some kind to the "prison" and the spirits in it. This it is that baptism sets forth; and what of course as a sign it brings one into. You're witnessing against yourself. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. I haven't found any biblical evidence for that conclusion. So he says these very spirits which are spoken of were "once disobedient, when the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was preparing, wherein few, that is eight souls, were saved through water.". There is the suffering in which we are involved because of our humanity. Passage Resources Hebrew/Greek Your Content. The Psalmist wrote: "In death there is no remembrance of thee; in Sheol who can give thee praise?" He is now fulfilling the Levitical types in the holiest of all. The word for "to bring" is prosagein ( G4317) . In the Temple the layman might come so far; he could pass through the Court of the Gentiles, the Court of the Women, the Court of the Israelites--but there he must stop. Although this passage is one of the most difficult in the New Testament, it begins with something which anyone can understand. There is, however, no specification of the place where this is; no intimation that it is purgatory - a place where the departed are supposed to undergo purification; no intimation that their condition can be affected by anything that we can do; no intimation that those particularly referred to differ in any sense from the others who are confined in that world; no hint that they can be released by any prayers or sacrifices of ours. bodies; and especially that carnal and unconverted men are ever When did Jesus make this proclamation? Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto a weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered ( 1 Peter 3:7 ). Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation [coupled] with fear. It was Christianity which introduced chivalry into the relationship between men and women. But the wonderful place given to the Christian is that, though we do become the people of God now, whether Jew or Gentile, and although the believing Jew does obtain mercy now, he is not sown on the earth, but called out for heaven, and, in consequence, becomes a pilgrim and stranger here below till Jesus appears. So opening the prison. In one year silks, pearls, scents and jewellery were imported from India to the value of 1,000,000 British pounds. But if you suffer for well doing, then that is a better thing. What is it that Saul of Tarsus says as the effect of the light of God shining on his soul? You have to look onto the heavenly future. proclaimed to the spirits in prison This short phrase raises several difficult issues for the interpreter: 1) the identity of the spirits in prison (v. 19), 2) the reasons for their imprisonment, 3) the location of the prison where Christ went to preach, 4) the content of Christs proclamation, 5) the relationship of preaching to the spirits (v. 19) with preaching to those who are dead (4:6), 6) and the possible allusions to biblical (Gen 69; Jude) and 7) extrabiblical traditions (such as the Jewish work called 1 Enoch), [extrabiblical A catch-all term to refer to ancient literary and archaeological evidence that is not part of the Bible, but might provide evidence related to the Bible, its world, and biblical people. Christ died once and for all for sins, the just.for the unjust. And the high priest asked them, Acts 5:27 The captain and officers just went to collect the apostles but without any violence. Christ was once and for all offered to bear the sin of many ( Hebrews 9:28). It is the constant and notorious source of the difficulties that one has continually to contend with, because feelings are roused by this all sorts of jealousies and wounded feelings are created by a position so false. prison. For the eyes of the Lord [are] over the righteous, and his ears [are open] unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord [is] against them that do evil. He wanted you to be one with Him, but a holy, pure, righteous God cannot be a part of sin, inconsistent with the nature of God. So as Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, I don't need that anyone should write letters of commendation for me because you are my living epistles known and read of all men.Our lifestyle testifies to what we believe. For Christ communicated a new nature which loves to obey God's will, which accordingly is given us from conversion, before (and it may be long before) a person enjoys peace. The principle, however, is sound; and may we heed it in conscience, looking to the Lord's grace in our weakness. The epistles of Peter are addressed to the elect Jews of his day, believing of course on the Lord Jesus, and scattered throughout a considerable portion of Asia Minor. One sees alas! See Matthew 3:1; Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:35; Mark 5:20; Mark 7:36. But it is not what the word of God gives us by that converted soul, to whose case I have adverted. 16 having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in christ. (v) When we go beyond these two verses, further into the passage, we can add two more great truths to Peter's view of the work of Christ. "Such expressions (he went) are often redundant in Greek. God takes exact notice of all the means and advantages that people in all ages have had for the salvation of their souls; it is put to the account of the old world that Christ offered them his help, sent his Spirit, gave them fair warning by Noah, and waited a long time for their amendment. "He that would love life, and see good days,". 3:8-12 Finally, you must all be of one mind; you must have sympathy with each other and you must live in brotherly love; you must be compassionate and humble; you must not return evil for evil, nor insult for insult; on the contrary, you must return blessing; for it was to give and to inherit blessing that you were called. While they behold your chaste lifestyle with reverence. None eau find it in Scripture. He is going to judge them in the next world. That is to say, Peter is laying it down that the death of Christ is the sacrifice which atones for the sin of men. "How can we obey men that worship stocks and stones, whose very religion makes them immoral and degraded?" here, and delivered the souls of the Old Testament saints and The epistle to the Hebrews of all the Pauline epistles is that which most approaches the testimony of Peter, and coalescing in it to a large extent. And I am persuaded that a hardness of character, quite intolerable to men of spiritual minds, would inevitably be generated by making all our food to consist in what could be extracted from Ephesians and Colossians, the effect of which would soon become painfully sensible to others. And she feels that security and she needs to feel that security. "She that was at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you." Noah was preaching a message that God had given him, and in this sense Jesus Christ spoke through him (cf. The priestly sacrifices in the Temple have to be repeated daily but Christ made the perfect sacrifice once and for all when he offered himself up ( Hebrews 7:27). Nevertheless the apostle there claims the most unqualified subjection to the powers that be. That which God values, the meek, the quiet spirit which in the sight of God is very valuable. Now Peter is saying, Honor her knowing that she's weaker. The appearing of Jesus is exclusively when the Lord will make Himself visible, and be seen by every eye. We can easily comprehend it. Though the judicious Calmet holds with his Church this opinion, yet he cannot consider the text of St. Peter as a proof of it. It hence follows, that we shall not less feel it in vivifying whatever is mortal in us. It is not a spineless submission that is meant but, as someone has finely put it, a "voluntary selflessness." This had nothing at all to do with atonement a supposition which only arises from people closing their eyes to other truths in the Bible, to their own great loss even in the truth they hold. So that when they bite into the sandwich, they get the word and they pull it out of their mouth and they read, God loves you, you know. But what pertinency would there have been in saying that Christ went down to hell, and delivered some sort of a message there, we know not what, to those who are confined there? 2:17 ) who were in a most miserable condition, strangers to But if a wife became a Christian while her husband did not, she was taking a step which was unprecedented and which produced the acutest problems. Here in Christianity emerged the revolutionary principle that women had equal spiritual rights and with that the relationship between the sexes was changed. There are those who guide, and it is a most proper thing. They were that wicked race which lived in the days of Noah. Gods saving of Noah and his family by means of the ark illustrates the salvation of believers. In my old MS. Bible, which contains the first translation into English ever made, the clause is the following: In whiche thing and to hem that weren closid togyder in prison, hi commynge in Spirit, prechide. He is speaking about the people that heard Noah, and despised the word of the Lord then. "The dead do not praise the Lord, nor do any that go down into silence" ( Psalms 115:17). There we have not union with the Head, but "the heavenly calling;" and substantially the latter line of truth is that which we have in 1 Peter. We do not wait for times and seasons. The previous verse ended the narrative concerning Peter and it continued that of Herod. The apostle Paul pressed on the Christian slave the beauty and responsibility of obedience; but Peter insists on it whether a man be a slave or not. The question is not how far it is made good in the heart of the believer; for it really and equally embraces all believers. were when the apostle wrote: from whence we learn, that Christ One could say that Jesus proclaimed a message to Noahs unbelieving contemporaries in His spirit (i.e., His spiritual state of life before the Incarnation) through Noah. poreutheis. And Rendel Harris thought that this passage referred, not to Jesus, but to Enoch, and Moffatt so far agreed with him as to put Enoch into his translation. But at all cost God's will must be done; "by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." For over three decades after the Crucifixion, Peter seems to have had significant interaction with those who spoke Greek. In 1 Peter 3:19 he says that Jesus preached to the spirits in prison; and in 1 Peter 4:6 he says that the gospel was preached to them that are dead. Therefore it is observable there was the sprinkling of the book along with it. See the analysis of the chapter. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven" ( Matthew 5:11-12 ). The obvious problem with this view is that Peter linked these people with Noah. Hair was waved and dyed, sometimes black, more often auburn. It was when He who died went to heaven that Christianity appeared in its full force; and accordingly then came out faith in its finest and truest character. Is thy steadfast love declared in the grave, or thy faithfulness in Abaddon? ", THE SAVING WORK OF CHRIST ( 1 Peter 3:17-22 ; 1 Peter 4:1-6 ). This I have long believed to be the sense of this difficult passage, and no other that I have seen is so consistent with the whole scope of the place. It was ever right that love should go out towards others, whether in general kindness towards all mankind, or in special affections towards the family of God. 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